We are closing down end of march. All stock to clear, discount applies automatically at checkout.
How it works
-Shop the Make an Offer collection
-You make your offer on any items you would like to purchase.
-The UH team looks over each offer and decides if we accept, counter or decline. Please keep an eye on your emails for 24 hours after submitting your offer.
-You will receive an email with our decision.
-All reasonable offers are considered.
-Standard postage rates apply
-We ship Worldwide, the shipping is calculated at checkout.
-Please make sure all offeres are in AUD
The backend of this app can be a bit touchy, and below are some issues we have run into before. You cannot purchase make an offer products and non make an offer products in the same order. If you have made an offer of more than one product and multiple have been accepted, we cannot remove any items. The offer will have to be resubmitted. I cannot see sizes on the backend or what is a sold out product, so sometimes a product sells out before you may see your email. If this happens, please resubmit your offers and email us. If you are having issues, please email us.

223 products

223 products